What an amazingly complex business it is proving to be, getting a book into print. All other activities have been suspended, now, for months, while files fly back and forth through the airwaves over the Atlantic – interior galleys, cover galleys, book-blurb, marketing texts – everything goes from me to the publisher, back to me for approval, back to them for revision. Words begin to dance in front of my eyes in the dark of the night!
But we’re almost there, now. Almost there. Somewhere in the USA a printer is, at this very minute, preparing to print off a single example of The Edge of Things. In a couple of weeks it will be plopped through my letterbox and I get a final chance to confirm that it really is ready for publication. Then – the first of August. Launch date. Finally the book will be beyond any further tweaking and revision, and will be out there waiting for readers.
I must have read it – oh, half a dozen times since it was first completed (or so I thought!) in 2004. And there have been many other readers – all encouraging – of the work in MS as it went through revisions. But real readers, who’ve parted with money for the opportunity to read the book ... Wow. There’s a thought. Slightly scary.
And very, very exciting.
So if you’re curious to read it, take a note of the book launch-date. First of August. Amazon should be carrying it from that day.
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